April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers – Renewal Of Our Brain

They say, “April showers bring May flowers.” What does the Spring bring? To me it is a time of renewal; a time to refresh and recharge. The animals start waking up, the birds seem to start to settle into their new homes, flowers begin to bloom, grass and trees start turning green and full, and […]

MOM - COO of the Family Project

MOM – The COO of the Family Project

That very special day for that very special person is upon us, Mother’s Day. A day reserved for that special person in your life. Of course giving birth is the GREATEST gift a mother can give to a child. So there you are in your twenties or early thirties and then one day your whole […]

Love Comes In Many Packages - Allen Weinstein

The Gift Of Respect

February the month of love, Valentine’s Day the day of love, and all you lovers were running around determined to purchase the perfect gift. “Love comes in many packages. It is the wrapping that attracts, but it is the content that is meaningful.” At first meeting there is an immediate reaction. Usually that reaction will […]

When one gives, one receives. - Allen Weinstein

The Season For Giving And Receiving

The holiday season is upon us. Office parties, home parties, and family dinners, as well as vacations to pleasant destinations. Let the festivities begin. During this joyous time everyone is busy buying and exchanging gifts, almost to a point of draining their budgets for the coming years. People enjoying the spirit of giving and helping […]