Allen Weinstein - Q&A 004

Q&A 004 | Fear Of Success

In this episode of my Q&A Series I answer a question from Gibby. She is an incredible action taker, but is dealing with challenges when it comes to completing business projects and she thinks it could be related to a possible fear of success. Watch video below for more details and to hear my answer. […]

Allen Weinstein Q&A 003

Q&A 003 | Overcoming Anxiety and Depression

In this episode of my Q&A series I answer a question from a concerned mother who’s son has faced some difficult experiences and it has completely changed his personality and view in life. Here is some background on his story… 21 year old son Josh was a fun loving boy that found a girl he […]

Allen Weinstein - Q&A 001

Q&A 001 | 19 Year Old Building His Own Sports Car Company

Welcome to the first episode in my new Q&A series. In this episode I answered a question from a young 19 year old entrepreneur who is working to start his own sports car company. At 80 years old I have a great amount of wisdom and life experiences that I like to share with those […]